Category Archives: Revisión

Exercise as tool for people’s intellectual and motor development

How important is physical activity for people life? Daily new evidences are added responding this question and reinforcing the importance of the physical exercise practice. The benefits from an active life extend from a healthier cardiovascular system to a better emotional health (Agarwal, 2012; Stathopoulou, Powers, Berry, Smits, & Otto, 2006). Lastly, one of the benefits that have raised more interest amongst the science community is the role of the exercise on the improvement of cerebral processes.

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Preventing falls among older people. Is enough with a physical training?

The fall of an elderly person can carry physical consequences, which can range from a muscular injury to a bone fracture, and/or psychosocial consequences derived from fear of falling (Kendrick, et al., 2014). There are risk factors for falling in older people who are not modifiable (eg age, arthritis, stroke’s history….) and others that are modifiables (Kendrick, et al., 2014; Moncada, 2011). Through exercise practiced regularly can improve many of the modifiable factors both physical (eg. Impaired balance, impaired gait, muscle weakness) (Moncada, 2011) and psychosocial aspects (eg. mood, fear of falling) (Kendrick, et al., 2014).
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