During the following days 23rd (from 10 to 13h and from 15 to 17h) and 24th (from 9 to 12h) of october, Dr. Young-Hoo Kwon (Texas Woman’s University) will be conducting a workshop about biomechanics: human movement analysis, at the INEFC Barcelona.
The place of execution of the workshop will the the Informatics classroom of the INEFC Barcelona.
The workshop, organized by the GRAFiS, will be totally free and will have the objective of explaining the human movement analysis from the biomechanics perspective.
The contents of the workshop will be as follows:
C3D-Based Motion Analysis with Kwon3D XP
- Overview
- Kwon3D Project
- C3D File Importing
- Data Processing
- Data Analysis
- Auto Event Detection
- Body Modeling
- Theoretical Foundation of Motion Analysis
We encourage all attendees of the workshop to bring their own laptop in order to work with the Kwon3DXP software and the sample data, both of which will be delivered to all the attendees.
To fulfill your inscripcion to the workshop, you need to access to the following link: BIOMECHANICS WORKSHOP INSCRIPTION
To download the workshop materials follow this link.
¿Se confirma la realización del Workshop?